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.Saturday, February 28, 2009 ' 8:41 PM Y

Oh anyway, here's the double rainbow that appeared on the 26th. Its really rare and we saw it in Malacca !
Look really carefully and you'll see the double!


.Friday, February 27, 2009 ' 9:15 PM Y


Just came back frm Malacca Trip last evening. It really SO fun!!! I can't load the Photos in my blog because of safety reasons:

Here's what we did:

Day 1 , 25 Feb :

We assembled in sch at about 6.50am for a briefing. Afterwhich, we boarded the coaches and met our tour guides. After clearing all the Singapore and Malaysia customs, we were on our way to Malacca at about 9+am.

After about more than an hour, we stopped at Yong Peng for washroom-going(haha),light refreshments and to buy tidbits for our stay in Malacca.

Then, we took another 2h++ to get to Malacca. There, we had our Lunch at Lee's restaurant. The food was great!!! I think there was abt 10 courses with shark's fin soup, prawn, fish, vegetables etc.

After a satisfying meal, we went to various Historical sites like the Saint Paul's Church, Huang Lim Po Well, The Stadthuys, A Famosa etc. Although it is History, it was all quite interesting and fun.

Finally, it was time to check in to the hotel- The Renaissance. (or sth like that) The rooming was three to a room. The room was great and so was the view. After a quick shower, we went to assemble and we were staggered 2 coaches at a go to the Peranakan restaurant to have dinner. This time there were less couses. We also had Chendol for dessert and it was really good.

We then went back to the hotel ballroom to discuss PW and for the debriefing session. Next, we went back to the hotel room to prepare for lights out. It was pretty creepy and we kept frightening each other. In the end, we pushed the three single beds together haha!

Luckily, we managed to sleep!

[To be continued...] XD



.Tuesday, February 24, 2009 ' 7:09 PM Y

Today, we went to Hua Chong for Gym training. The gymnasium there is so nice!
There were I think , four trampolines and a gigantic sponge pit which we had to jump into sometime during the lesson and it was so fun!

When we had to do the front roll, I took our my specs and put it with the others' specs. When I came back to get it, I found that it was bent. I tried putting it on and it look crooked.
I tried bending it back into position but it didn't work. :P

Anyway, I'm so excited for the Malacca trip tomorrow!


.Saturday, February 21, 2009 ' 5:41 PM Y

I was just letting my cousin watch Thomas the Tank Engine on youtube. Haha.
He was singing " Thomas and his friends....Thomas and his friends...."

He really so cute! And he's also quite tall for his age.

I'm going to play with him again after dinner.

Anyway, four more days till Malacca Trip!!!!


.Monday, February 16, 2009 ' 8:09 PM Y

And heres some pic of my polymer clay models :) I just downloaded all the pics in the camera into the com.


. ' 8:07 PM Y

Here's another pic of Timmy. Caught him sleeping!


. ' 4:48 PM Y

haha.. three more days!!!!
Three more days till the visit!
Nine more days till the Malacca trip!


.Thursday, February 12, 2009 ' 8:42 AM Y

Just came back from school. Taken a nice long shower...
And now I feel so tired :/

Another 7 more days till the visit!!! Sorry, I can't stop this countdown thing!


.Thursday, February 5, 2009 ' 5:31 PM Y

Today was my first gym lesson. Luckily a friend came with me.
This is my first time joining a sports CCA and I am still not used to the tough training.
I got into the trampoline group.

It really was fun but it was tough. After the warm ups , we jumped on the trampoline, then we did sit-ups. At the end of the lesson, we had this ,dunno 800m or 1km fun round the tracks.

All these trianing would probably make me fitter. I think I quite enjoyed the first gym lesson. :)


.Wednesday, February 4, 2009 ' 2:50 PM Y

To PCPS mates:

We created a CL blog in school a week back. If you are curious, you can go to the below link:


.Monday, February 2, 2009 ' 2:52 PM Y

Hmm.. another 17 more days till my aunt, uncle tim and Cousin aren comes. 23 more days till Malacca trip. :]:]

Today was our second gym lesson. We did the trampoline and some other excersises. It was quite fun . Many people enjoyed it but some said they hated gym.

It was an interesting experience. :D



Age:have fun guessing
Hobbies: Playing guitar & Electone, Drawing, Blogging

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